MoneyGram is a large money transfer service that is very similar to Western Union. It’s a nice option for anyone who doesn’t want to use a normal bank account or doesn’t have a bank account. You can pay your bills, perform money transfers, and send money orders securely, quickly, and easily.
In addition to these services, MoneyGram and Biexm allow users to buy bitcoins. If you’re wondering how to buy bitcoins using MoneyGram, the following short steps will outline everything you need to know to take advantage of this service.
If you already have a MoneyGram account ready to go, you can skip this step and move to Step 2. To start, go to and click on the Sign Up button in the upper-right corner. You’ll input your email address, password, confirm your password, add your phone number, and click Next. Then, you’ll input your first and last name, birthday, and home and billing address. Click Next and opt in or out of the rewards program.
Once your MoneyGram account is set up, it’s time to register for your Biexm account. Go to Biexm and click on the Sign Up Free button. Input your name, email address, password, and verify you’re a human before clicking Register.
Now you’re ready to start searching for a bitcoin advertisement, and you get to this platform by clicking the Buy button while logged into your Biexm account. Type in the amount of bitcoins you want to buy, your currency, and your region, and then pick your payment method. Click the dropdown menu on the far right that says All Payment Options, scroll down to Cash Payments, and select MoneyGram. This will bring up a list of bitcoin traders.
Search through the advertisements, and click on the Buy button if you want to see more about a particular one. Your trader should have a high amount of trades and a good reputation score. Clicking the Buy button will bring up the terms of trade. If you like what you see, start a trade by typing how much you want into the blue box. Write a message for the trader and click Send Trade Request. You have a short time to pay at this point, and the trade will cancel if you don’t before time runs out.
Click on the I Have Paid button when your payment goes through. This will send a trigger to the trader, and they’ll verify that they received your payment. Biexm will release your bitcoins from escrow, and they’ll show up in your Biexm wallet. This means you have successfully completed the trade.
You now know how to buy bitcoins with MoneyGram, and this process doesn’t vary from sale to sale. You can continue to browse for other advertisements, transfer your bitcoin, or initiate another trade using MoneyGram.